Saturday, August 10, 2019

The Epstein Vol Crush


The Short VIX of non market events, we have an upcoming tail risk/volatility and just like that - faded and forgotten. Please bookmark and come back in 1, 3 , or 6 months and I hope it expands your view of how close market short vol compares to LIFE short vol.

Two components:

The immediate vol spike:  For this week, "EPSTEIN ""APPARENT"" """SUICIDE""" "-
Oh no, everything is unraveling, our system is on the brink of collapse!  I can't believe this can be happening in 20xx!
12 hours later: Wow wasn't that news crazy? Look at these great memes people made about it! But seriously this is crazy!
1 week later: WE NEED TO MAKE GUNS ILLEGAL! Jeff who?

Does this sound familiar? because the last Epstein vol spike was "global pedo elite sex ring, its all unraveling! Drone footage of the island" , and the 24hr news cycle washes it away on the next weekly shooting/ political gaffe etc.
(Just the continuous front month /VX chart for this year but useful to visualize the news cycle hype of non-market VIX events)

The much longer term trend of the biggest political scandals and events which are out of the public eye due to the 24hr news chop- much like the up and down chop of leveraged $UVXY lends to its long term massive decay- 100 + 10%, then -10% = 99
On a macro level, the recent "suicide" is just part of the previous cycle's faded-> forgotten, namely another branch of potential evidence into the last few decades of  the Clinton dynasty is clipped, now to be filed for the future as conspiracy just like Northwoods, Paperclip, Tonkin, etc.  Additionally, this decade all data is centralized, digital and hashtagged, (for ease of search, but for $GOOG ease of search and destroy)

So what is there to do while our world crumbles in indifference?  I didn't come to you without hope, as there is a trade here!:
As I wrote earlier this year, on the "safe" tranche of fading political risk trades (No Trump impeachment, no Hillary, Huma, Don Jr, Kushner charges), all signs point to the continued decay of this market, almost exactly like a short VIX option position.
Furthermore, news like today only emboldens my thesis that these kind of tail risks for corrupt figures to go down is gated by so many different layers of defense inside legal, illegal, and market systems that the prediction markets are still mispriced.
Unfortunately Predictit didnt have an Epstein suicide market directly, but what a proxy the Clinton market is!

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